I am very pleased to bring you news that our Care Network Newsletter is back, to subscribe please email us directly, or call the office.
I am sorry that this has not been circulated for a while, but we have been busy working away in the background, improving our communications methods and techniques and we are now ready to share these with you.
Other changes that have been going on within Care Network, including changes in staff structure by introducing a middle management tier of Senior Coordinators, who provide line management as well as front-line service delivery. We were extremely pleased to achieve our Investing in Volunteers Accreditation in October of 2018, a recognition of the way that we work with our wonderful volunteers.
Two new pilots have been launched; Connected Communities encourages local communities and individuals to set up micro enterprises, circles of support and groups to meet the identified needs of their communities, in the areas of St Ives and Soham. It delivers a new approach of how social care, help and support can be provided within communities. Whilst Open Arms,working across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough,encourages and develops community action to tackle loneliness and improve feelings of happiness and well-being in Older People.
So here’s to the future, including our newsletter which we will be sending out 4 times a year. If you have anything that you would like us to include in our newsletter, please contact:
admin@care-network.org.uk and we will see what we can do.
I hope that you enjoy reading this new look newsletter and finding out a bit more about what we are up to.
As always we would love to hear your ideas and feedback on anything CNC related,
Susie Willis,
CEO of Care Network Cambridgeshire
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